Are you ready to reserve your spot at Camp Promise for Summer 2015? Applications are now available online!
After listening to your feedback from last year, we have updated our application to make it easier for everyone! The main thing you will notice is that our system can now remember your application from last year. So, for those of you who submitted an application in 2014, if you login with your email from last year, you will find that some of your answers will already be filled out! Of course, there are some questions you’ll need to answer anew, such as your T-shirt size and your emergency contacts, but for a lot of the application, the system will remember your answers from last year. All you have to do is review your application thoroughly, double check that everything is correct, and make updates as you go!
To start your application, new applicants can register with their email address, and returning applicants login with the email they used last year. Please keep in mind all of the important dates & deadlines for the 2015 season.
Have questions about being a camper? Learn more about being a Camp Promise camper .
Have questions about being a volunteer? Volunteers are the backbone of our program and every year we recruit top-notch and energetic counselors and skilled medical teams. If you are interested in volunteering, or know someone who would be a good addition to our program, please let us know!
Questions? Contact us.