prom. /präm/ noun.
- a formal dance, especially one held by a class in high school or college at the end of a year.
- (short for promenade) a leisurely walk, sometimes a ride or drive, typically one along a waterfront at a resort, or in a public place so as to meet or be seen by others.
While we may not be a school nor have a waterfront catwalk, we do have a long-standing tradition at Camp Promise of hosting a huge end-of-camp dance on the last night of camp. We often call it Prom and it almost always involves an all-camp stroll from dinner to our Rec Hall. Nothing can beat attending this magical night in person, but we’ll do our best to tell you all about it so you can get prepared for the dance at your camp this summer.
Dancing and music are big parts of our camp culture, and ever since the very first year of Camp Promise, we’ve always had a dance or Prom at each session (and sometimes two!). These events are beloved by all and campers and volunteers look forward to them all week long. Think camptastic promposals, group and circle dancing on the dance floor, cheesy posed photos, and a dance party playlist that you wish would never end. Typically held on the last night of camp, prom is our way of bringing our camp family together one last time before having to say goodbye to each other the next morning.
What makes our dances extra unique are their themes. We have danced with Cleopatra at “Night on the Nile”, boogied with sea creatures at our “Under The Sea” dance, and chilled at our “Snow Ball”. These themes and many more are brought to life with decorations that transform our Rec Halls and transplant our dancers to another place. Costumes, photo backdrops, music, and special lighting all serve to create a magical night and blissful tradition year after year. With our DJs dropping the dopest beats, you’ll have no choice but to boogie the night away.
Not sure what to wear? Don’t fret! You can take the traditional route and dress lavishly in dresses or button-down shirts and ties, or take it up a notch and wear a suit or prom gown. You can also go with the dance theme and dress in costume (all dance themes are included in our Welcome Packets that are sent out in advance of camp). For example, we saw lots of crustaceans dancing with mermaids at our Under The Sea prom (the dance floor was their oyster!). No matter what you wear, we’ll have boutonnieres and corsages for all.
What we love most about our proms and dances is that you’ll find yourself surrounded by new friends who have become old friends, who have become best friends. They’re a sure-fire way to end camp with a bang, and whether you’re a camper or volunteer (or the parents of either) prom is something we can promise you’ll hear about, even after camp is long over.
So, without further ado, let’s dance!
–Post by Meghan Houston