Arian Mooring is an 13-year-old boy living in Goldsboro, North Carolina, with his grandparents and younger brother, Slayden. Diagnosed at 15 months old, Arian is living with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a progressive neuromuscular disorder that causes a loss of motor, pulmonary, and cardiac function.
Duchenne has taken a toll on Arian’s body, causing muscle deterioration and much more. He relies on his power wheelchair to move independently and attend school and appointments. His grandparents, who are also his caretakers, are not able to safely transport Arian in and out of the car. Obtaining an accessible vehicle that fits a power chair comes with a high price point, one that Arian’s grandparents weren’t able to meet on their own.
“At this stage in our lives, with one of us medically semi-retired, the cost to buy a new van was prohibitive, which is why we applied to the Jett Giving Fund” says Lisa Mooring, Arian’s grandmother. “An accessible vehicle means we will be able to take a family vacation together, go to things we need every day, and have enough space for everyone to be comfortable.”
October 5, 2023, was a special day for the Mooring Family as they stepped into their new set of wheels for the first time. “There is room for Arian to tilt his chair backward and finally be comfortable,” says Lisa.
As participants in Jett Foundation’s Accessible Vehicle Fund, the Mooring family contributed toward fundraising for an accessible vehicle. Jett Foundation then stepped in to cover remaining costs and coordinate purchase of the vehicle with the help of partner organizations.
Established in 2017, Jett Giving Fund has helped transform the lives of countless families across the country with over $3.5 million worth of accessible equipment and emergency assistance thanks to the generous support of individual donors, local communities, and major sponsors including Cure Dale’s Duchenne , Finn’s Friends , the Flatley Foundation , the Killian Family, Kindness Over Muscular Dystrophy , Michael’s Cause , Ryan’s Quest , Sarepta Therapeutics , and Ultragenyx .
You can help us to support more families through the two branches of Jett Giving Fund: the Accessible Vehicle Fund and the Emergency Fund. Donate today or learn more about becoming a sponsor by emailing [email protected].
If you or someone you know is in need of support or would like more information on our Jett Giving Fund, please visit