Jett Foundation: The Journey to Diagnosis and Next Steps for Female Carriers
A guide sheet from Jett Foundation on how to navigate testing and diagnosis, as well as advice for the steps to follow.
Thriving With Duchenne Episode with Two Disabled Dudes Podcast
A Rare Disease Day podcast recording from the Two Disabled Dudes, Kyle Bryant and Sean Baumstark, who moderated Jett Foundation’s 2024 Rare Disease Day event.
Physicians Who Treat Female Carriers of Duchenne
A resource list of known physicians in the United States who treat and care for female carriers of Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
PPMD: Duchenne 101
An overview of Duchenne, its genetic causes, progression, types of mutations, and more.
Social Security Overview
This Jett Foundation blog post features helpful resources and links for navigating the Social Security programs our government provides.
State by State Resource Guide
This tool serves as a dynamic list of resources and tools for the Duchenne community, broken down by state.
Jett Foundation’s Brochure
Jett programs overview, information on Duchenne, our impact, and more.
Know Your Genes
A public service provided by the Genetic Disease Foundation, a nonprofit foundation supporting research, education and the prevention of genetic diseases.